Please consider making a donation to Feed the Hungry, Heal the Hurting and Welcome the Stranger!
The annual Christmas Collection is Catholic Charities' largest fundraising initiative. Our 15 programs humbly serve all people in need regardless of race, ethnicity or religion throughout the Diocese of Spokane. All proceeds from the Collection stay in Eastern Washington and allow us to Feed the Hungry, Heal the Hurting and Welcome the Stranger!
As we approach the joyous Christmas season, Catholic Charities invites you to embrace the true spirit of love, hope and compassion by helping us live our Mission: Feed the Hungry…Heal the Hurting…Welcome the Stranger. At our core, this is what we have done throughout our 112-year history. While the future will certainly have its obstacles, we invite you to walk with us as we meet those challenges and reaffirm our deep commitment to advocate for the poor.
Catholic Charities is proud to serve 135,000 meals annually at the House of Charity. And our volunteers deliver nearly 72,000 lbs. of nutritious food to low-income and elderly residents
• $100 buys 25 meals for House of Charity patrons
• $250 buys 125 pounds of fresh produce for delivery to a food pantry
• $500 covers the energy costs for one month at the Food For All greenhouse
• $1,000 buys the seeds, soil, trays, and pots to grow 2,000 plants in our greenhouse to help feed food insecure members of our community.
*Pictured: BBQ at the Schweitzer Haven
Each year, 94% of our clients who engage in our various housing services end up in stable, long-term housing
• $100 covers the cost of 1 family to attend the Circle of Security sessions at CAPA/PREPARES
• $250 buys 125 bus passes which provides transportation for clients to attend counseling sessions
• $500 provides a bed and wrap-around case management for 9 House of Charity patrons
• $1,500 covers the costs of a Music Together class at CAPA/PREPARES for a full year. This program helps refugee families engage with their children through music to learn English.
*Pictured: Rising Strong graduation ceremony
This winter more than 5,000 children, women, men and seniors will have a clean, safe place to rest their bodies at one of our well-run apartments
• $100 provides a week of WiFi at St. Margaret’s, supporting families as they search for jobs, apartments and support their children in schooling
• $250 Covers 6 rental application fees for people seeking permanent housing
• $500 buys 3 car seats which are necessary to bring newborns home from the hospital
• $1,000 provides rides to a senior for a full year.
*Pictured: Naturalization ceremony
Serving over 66,000 clients annually throughout Eastern Washington